Hygiene and measures concept COVID-19
The protection concept meets the requirements of Article 6a of Regulation 2 on measures to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The BAG regulations on hygiene and social distance must be observed at all times outside of the actual therapy. Shaking hands and other greeting phrases with physical contact are strictly avoided
The official BAG flyers are clearly displayed in practice at the entrances, waiting rooms and at regular intervals.
Patients are informed about the protective measures by booking an appointment by phone or email and on the practice website.
When booking appointments or entering the practice premises, patients are asked to refrain from entering the practice with fever and / or cough symptoms or generally suspected of an infectious disease and to stay at home or contact a doctor.
Patients are given the opportunity to disinfect their hands when entering the practice. In addition to suitable disinfection dispensers, instructions for correct hand disinfection should be visible.
In general, outside the therapy room in the waiting rooms, there must be a distance of at least 2 m between individuals. This applies to the reception, waiting and sales area. In practices with several therapists and a large number of customers, it should generally be ensured that when the maximum number of one person per 10 m2 is reached, which is appropriate to the size of the room, no more customers will be admitted.
Therapists and staff wash their hands with soap and water or disinfect them regularly using the disinfectant provided. Employees are regularly asked to wash their hands.
All employees keep a distance of 2 meters from colleagues and outside of the treatment room, also from customers.
The anamnesis and counseling should only take place in the treatment room and there should be a 2m distance between the therapist and the patient.
In general, the treatment should take place so that a direct droplet infection can be prevented and conversations should be kept to a minimum. In the treatment itself, the social distance cannot be maintained due to personal services with physical contact. Therefore, the patient and the therapist should wear a facemask to protect both.
Because the social distance in the therapy cannot be maintained, the therapist should disinfect the hands before and after the therapy contact.
New appointments with the patient should be made in the treatment room.
In general, sufficient time must be included in the work planning between the individual patients so that the mandatory disinfection of the work surfaces (including the couch, devices / apparatus) and the infrastructure (including the door handle, patient chair) are possible.
The treatment room should be well ventilated after each treatment.
The practice ensures a complete documentation of the rooms and therapists for any necessary traceability (who treated when and in which practice room).
Whenever possible, cash payment should be avoided and the patient should be sent an invoice for the treatment.
Disposable wipes and disposable masks must be disposed of safely in closed waste containers.
Cotton cloth covers, must be changed after each treatment, store them in a protected container and wash them at a temperature of at least 60 degrees
Practice staff who are sick or feel sick are encouraged to stay at home.
All practice employees are considerate of others and support the implementation of the protection concept.