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                                              Hygiene and measures concept COVID-19


                                                                      Updated 16.02.2022


       The protection concept meets the requirements of Article 6a of Regulation 2 on measures to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19).


  • In general, it is compulsory to wear masks in healthcare facilities to protect vulnerable people. Therefore, after consultation with the BAG, the association recommends that a protective mask be worn in practice areas (rooms) where several people are present at the same time (including patient waiting rooms).


  • When booking appointments or entering the practice premises, patients with fever and/or cough symptoms or a general suspicion of an infectious disease are asked not to enter the practice and to stay at home or to contact a doctor.


  • For practice employees, the general obligation to wear masks applies in areas where several people are present (e.g. waiting room).


  • Therapists and employees wash their hands with soap and water and/or disinfect them regularly using the disinfectant provided.


  • Employees are regularly asked to wash their hands.


  • In general, sufficient time must be allowed for between the individual patients in the work planning so that the mandatory disinfection of the work surfaces (including couches, devices/apparatus) and the infrastructure (including door handles, patient chairs, sanitary facilities) is possible.


  • After each treatment, the treatment room should be well ventilated.


  • Disposable wipes and masks should be safely disposed of in closed waste containers and ffp masks should be ventilated according to the manufacturer's instructions.


  • Change covers after each treatment, store in a protected container and wash at at least 60 degrees.


  • Practice staff who are ill or feel ill are asked to stay at home.


  • All practice employees show consideration for fellow human beings and support the implementation of the protection concept.


  • The masseurs regularly check compliance with the measures taken in their own practice and implement these protective measures and general quality specifications. If SECO, the FOPH, the cantons or the Confederation communicate other or additional requirements for professional practice, the version (007 from 06/28/2021) will be adjusted.

2024, Gesundheitspraxis SW

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